Welcome to Chichester International’s Online Preparation Guide

CAS request form & CAS eligibility interview

To get your CAS you must take the following steps:

  • Meet the conditions of your offer
  • Pay your deposit (50%)
  • Complete our online CAS Request form.
  • Book a CAS Eligibility Interview, if you are asked to do so.

This website explains everything you need to know about the online CAS Request form and the CAS Eligibility Interview bookings process.

Please read the information on this website carefully and refer to our other sections (Getting your CAS and Applying for Your Visa) for further information.

What documents you need to complete the CAS Request form

You will need the following documents for completing the online CAS Request form:

  • Passport. If your passport is due to be renewed before you apply for your visa, please wait to get your new passport before completing this CAS request. form.
  • University of Chichester offer letter/email.
  • Deposit payment details and scholarship details (if applicable).
  • Previous UK Immigration history details/documents, including UK visa refusals (if applicable).
  • If you need a CAS Eligibility Interview, you will also need to have your financial evidence ready for uploading. Please see below for more information.

How to get access to the online CAS Request form

You can usually expect to be contacted about the online CAS Request process about three months before the course start date. 

  • You will receive an email from our admissions team with a link to an online CAS Request form when you have received an unconditional offer and paid a 50% tuition fee deposit.
  • If you haven’t received the email and you meet the above two conditions, please complete the CAS Request form by clicking here: CAS request form link

How to complete the CAS Request form

  • Please click here for detailed instructions on how to complete the CAS Request form: Instructions for completing the CAS Request form 2024
  • As part of the CAS Request process you will be asked to upload your passport and any previous UK visa refusal documents (if applicable). Please make sure you have these documents ready.
  • As part of the CAS Request process you will be asked to identify if you need a CAS Eligibility Interview. Please see more information about who does not need an interview, and who needs an interview, to help you answer the questions on the CAS Request form.
  • If you need an interview, you will also need to show evidence of meeting the UKVI financial requirements. You must upload the evidence as part of the CAS Request process, or before the interview takes place. You will also receive a booking confirmation email with a link to a OneDrive folder, which allows you to securely upload your financial evidence after you have booked your appointment.

How you can upload your documents after completing the CAS Request form

Although you should upload your documents when you complete the CAS Request form, we understand that sometimes this is not possible.

Please upload your documents as soon as possible afterwards to avoid any delays with your CAS issuing.

You can use these secure OneDrive document request folder links to upload your documents:

Who does not need a CAS eligibility interview?

If you are from a country listed below that benefit from the ‘differential evidence requirement’ concession, you do not need to book an interview. You will receive your CAS after completing the CAS Request form and uploading all the relevant documents.

Who needs a CAS eligibility interview?

If your country of nationality is not listed below, you will need to book a CAS Eligibility Interview. You will get your CAS if you are successful in your interview, pass the financial checks and upload all the relevant documents. 

Nationalities that do not need to be interviewed

This is a list of countries benefitting from the ‘differential evidence requirement’ (See Appendix ST 22.1 of the Immigration Rules).







South Korea 






























Republic of Cyprus 

Hong Kong 






Czech Republic 



New Zealand 









United Arab Emirates 


The Dominican Republic 





United States of America 

Why are you interviewed?

When you apply for a Student Route visa, a UKVI caseworker may invite you to an interview to assess whether you are genuinely coming to the UK to study. This interview will consider various factors and the caseworker must be satisfied that on the balance of probabilities you intend to study and comply with all relevant requirements.

In order to comply with the University’s UKVI compliance responsibilities we must conduct a similar genuine student rule based interview before a CAS can be issued to a student who is not from a country listed above.

UKVI Credibility Interviews are explained on pages 14-20 of the Caseworker Guidance – Student and Child Student.

When to book the interview?

You will need to take these steps before you can book your interview:

  1. Have an unconditional offer.
  2. Pay your tuition fee deposit (50%).
  3. Complete the online CAS request form (see above for more information about the CAS Request form). 
  4. You must have had your interview and completed the financial checks before the 2 August 2024.

How to book your interview?

The online CAS Request form has a link to the online CAS Eligibility Interview booking portal.

We are not offering interviews after 2 August 2024. This is to allow enough time for CAS issuing and submitting your visa application.

If you are unable to book your interview slot when completing the CAS request form, please use this link to book your interview at a later date:

CAS Eligibility Interview Booking Form

Remember that you must complete the above online CAS request form before booking your interview slot and upload your financial evidence before the interview takes place.

How to prepare for the interview?

The purpose of the interview is to talk about your plans to study at the University of Chichester. Try to relax and answer the questions in full and as naturally as you can. You should answer honestly and authentically and be prepared to expand on your answers – say as much as you can about the reasons for planning to study on your chosen course at the University of Chichester and in the UK.

•It will take about 20 minutes.

•You will need to access the Microsoft Teams link in your meeting invitation email.

•At the start of the interview we expect you to confirm your full name and show us your passport to prove your identity.

•Make sure you have a reliable internet connection for the duration of the interview.

•You will need to be in a quiet location and be alone where you will not be disturbed during the interview.

If you have any difficulties accessing the meeting link on the day of the interview, please email us 

How to demonstrate that you meet the UKVI financial requirements for a Student Visa

We will check your financial evidence as part of the CAS Eligibility Interview process. You must have the evidence and share it with us before the interview takes place. You will be able to share your financial evidence with us when you book your CAS Eligibility Interview or you can do it afterwards via this link:

Upload your Financial Evidence

You must show that you have the funds to pay your tuition fees and living costs and you must demonstrate this is in a way that meets the UK Visas and Immigration rules.

Read this How to demonstrate your finances document to understand how much money you need to have and what type of evidence you can use.

What to do after getting your CAS

Our admissions team will email your CAS to you. You must check that the CAS has your details recorded correctly. Please inform the admissions team if you see any mistakes. The CAS email includes a document which includes important information about your visa application. You must read the document carefully, as it will help you complete your online visa application form and it helps you understand what to do if you encounter any difficulties and who to contact  if you need assistance. You should apply for your visa as soon as possible after getting your CAS. It can take up to three weeks to get your decision. During peak times it can take longer. See more information on how to submit your visa application by visiting the “Applying for Your Visa” section of this website.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

Please email if you have any questions about the CAS request and CAS eligibility interview process or if you require visa advice.

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